
You will find here the list of active members of the EPPDyL. Past members and their last known whereabouts can be found here.


Edgar Choueiri

Ph.D. - Princeton University, 1991
Engineering Quadrangle



Edgar Choueiri is Chief Scientist and Director of EPPDyL. He is a tenured Professor in the Applied Physics Group in the MAE Department and Associated Faculty at the Astrophysical Sciences Department/Program in Plasma Physics. He is also a member of the Engineering Physics Program at Princeton. Prof. Choueiri is the author of numerous papers on plasma physics, instabilities and turbulence in collisional plasmas, plasma accelerator modeling, space physics and applied mathematics.

Prof. Choueiri is the author of more than 140 journal articles, conference papers and encyclopedia articles on advanced space propulsion, plasma physics, instabilities and turbulence in collisional plasmas, plasma accelerator propulsion, space physics and applied mathematics. He has been an invited speaker on more than 50 occasions at symposia and leading institutions in the USA, Russia, China, Japan, Poland, Lebanon, Turkey, UAE, Brazil and many countries in Western Europe. He was Chair of AIAA’s Electric Propulsion Technical Committee (EPTC) from 2002 to 2004 and is the present President of the Electric Rocket Propulsion Society, whose members include hundreds of scientists working on plasma propulsion for spacecraft in more than 15 countries. He is currently Principal Investigator (PI) on three government-funded research projects at EPPDyL, was the PI on more than 25 research projects funded by NASA, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the National Science Foundation, and has been PI and Co-PI on two space experiments and was selected by NASA in 2004 to lead a team of NASA and academic researchers on a 3-year project to develop a high-power plasma rocket system for the robotic and human exploration of the Moon and Mars.

He has advised more than a hundred students at Princeton University, currently advises 6 PhD students, and has graduated 10 PhD students, 8 of whom are currently working as research scientists in plasma physics or space propulsion.

He has developed new courses at Princeton in astronautics, applied physics and advanced space propulsion.

Prof. Choueiri’s publication list can be found here

Graduate Students

Christopher Wordingham

B.S.E., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Alabama Huntsville, 2012
Engineering Quadrangle




While originally from California, I spent the majority of my life in the mountains of North Carolina and graduated with a BSE in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville. I have been interested in space propulsion for longer than I can remember, and the elegance and utility of electric propulsion brought me to Princeton University following my work at ESI Group as a cooperative education student and at Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a Space Grant intern.

Technical Staff

Emil Broemmelsiek

M.S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2021
Engineering Quadrangle



Emil Broemmelsiek is an experienced engineer, technician, and machinist working to support research and education in electric space propulsion at EPPDyL. His technical interests are in rarefied gas dynamics, plasma physics, and propellant chemistry.