
IEPC 2017

  • Posted on: 23 October 2017
  • By: alfven

The lab came back from Atlanta following a successful International Electric Propulsion Conference! Will Coogan, Chris Wordingham, and Pierre-Yves Taunay published three conference articles pertaining to applied-field MPD thrusters, theory of hollow cathodes, and a mission plan to Mars using near-term technology:

New Video

  • Posted on: 23 October 2017
  • By: alfven

Will Coogan and Pierre-Yves Taunay produced a video surveying options for a heavy-cargo mission to Mars, using near-term electric propulsion technology. Check it out!

More technical details can be found in the associated conference paper: Heavy-Cargo Mars Mission Using Near-Term Technology

ALFA Firing - Part 2

  • Posted on: 13 September 2017
  • By: alfven

Will Coogan finished installing the Argon Lorentz Force Accelerator (ALFA) and obtained some thrust measurements over the summer. He previously operated the thruster at 100 A, and recently increased the discharge current to 220 A, as shown below.

ALFA Firing

  • Posted on: 24 August 2017
  • By: alfven

Will Coogan finished installing the Argon Lorentz Force Accelerator (ALFA) and obtained some thrust measurements over the summer. The thruster is shown below firing at low current (100 A).