Simulations of Direct Ion Acceleration with Beating Electrostatic Waves


Simulations of Direct Ion Acceleration with Beating Electrostatic Waves


A theoretical and numerical investigation of the Beating Wave Thruster (BWT) – an electrodeless electric propulsion concept based on direct ion acceleration with beating electrostatic waves (BEW) – is presented. Simulations reveal that in a collisionless ion ensemble, a rectilinear magnetic slope configuration generates a net linear ion current that flows along the magnetic null. Monte Carlo methods are used to demonstrate that BEW propagation can significantly enhance overall thruster performance by increasing both the magnitude and density of said current, while also revealing a unique phenomenon referred to as “ion channeling,” in which stochastic ions are preferentially transported away from the thruster walls and towards the magnetic null. Single and beating wave cases are compared for equal wave energy densities and BEW superiority is demonstrated for the chosen wave parameters. Neglecting ambipolar effects, conservative thrust density and specific impulse estimates are calculated and shown to be comparable to many existing Hall and ion thruster configurations